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Anne Frank

Anne Frank with my illustrations in the "Little People, Big Dreams" series by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara. "Little People, Big Dreams" is a best-selling, critically acclaimed series of picture books that explore the lives of outstanding people, from artists to scientists. All of them achieved incredible things, yet each began life as a child with a dream. Anne Frank's was not an easy story to tell to a very young audience. I used the black and white graphic approach, with spot color on the diary. I also inserted an additional narrative motif of birds as symbols of this or that emotion (happiness, serenity, dream, menace, loss.) Though children might not read into all the allusions in the illustrations, picture books are read to them by adults – and they certainly will. I strongly believe that illustrations should elicit comment and inspire conversation beyond what's written in the text, and this was my approach here as well.

The book is available in many languages on amazon and other major online book stores.